Posts Tagged ‘#RighteousPups’

Do Dogs Have a Secret Superpower? The Mysterious Way Dogs Choose Their Bathroom Spots.

Joanne Baker | Wednesday, June 28th, 2023

Introduction: Hey there, dog owners! Have you ever noticed something peculiar about your furry friend’s bathroom habits? Well, get ready to be amazed because recent scientific studies have discovered a fascinating behavior in our four-legged companions. It turns out that when dogs do their business, they tend to line themselves up with the Earth’s magnetic field! It’s like they have a secret superpower! What the Study Revealed: Researchers spent two […]

Without YOU, it all disappears.

Joanne Baker | Wednesday, June 21st, 2023

How many times have we listened to the heartfelt pleas of charities seeking donations to bring about a real change? We’ve journeyed on the same path, tirelessly seeking support to continue our vital work of transforming the lives of children, at-risk teens, and adults. Yet, this year has imparted a profound lesson, painting a vivid picture of what could transpire if donations were to cease. The struggle of our economy […]